Archive | January, 2012

Wines of Wednesday: Charles Shaw kind of Night

25 Jan

Sometimes it’s just a Charles Shaw kind of night…

Click Image for Source

Happy Wednesday!

My Dreamdate

24 Jan

Actually this post is about nail polish – sorry for the let down!

As many of you know, I am always on the lookout for great polish that I can wear to work that is both fun and “appropriate.” Enter Confetti’s Dreamdate.


Click Image for Source


It is a sheer pink sparkly polish with enough glitter to catch the light but not too much to distract. I love it because not only is the polish fast drying, but you can reapply coats without it showing up so it is perfect for someone like me who is awesome at chipping her nails!


What nail colors do you like to wear for work?


23 Jan

I know that it hasn’t been that long, but what is it in us that expects to see a little improvement after two weeks at a new exercise regime?

I’ve been sore the following two days after seeing my trainer and I’ve made an improvement on eating well.

I recently saw this on Pinterest and it got me thinking that I have to be more patient! I’m now marking my calendar by the weeks noted above and won’t expect anything until 12 weeks have passed. That’s not too long – it’s only until the week of March 26th…

Click Image for Source

Do you ever expect something more because you’ve been working hard?

Yoga Style

20 Jan

Today’s Friday Style is inspired by my early morning yoga classes. I am obsessed with the first top (Nike) and loooove the cozy wrap jacket (Old Navy)! Happy Friday!



Tick Tock

19 Jan

I want to thank Monica over at RunEatRepeat for bringing this article to my attention. As a 20-something I know I am at the “medically speaking correct time” but I am far from ready to have kids right now.

How about you? Thoughts? Why is there so much pressure even on the unmarried though in a committed relationship category?

Wines of Wednesday: Westside Zinfandel & Chocolate

18 Jan

Tonight some girlfriends and I are having a wine and chocolate over happy hour!

Click Image for Source


Happy Wednesday!

A Bold Breakfast

17 Jan

Do almonds constitute a healthy breakfast? What if they are wasabi & soy sauce almonds?

Click Image for Source


You can ask anyone close to me, but I am notorious for not wanting to eat “breakfast foods” for breakfast. I just can’t bring myself to eat a bowl of oatmeal or anything seemingly sweet in the morning. If I had my way it’d be a warm cup of noodle soup or a green monster smoothie.


But since I did not have any of the ingredients for any of the above two morning meals, almonds it was. At least my sinuses got some great clearing before I went to work J


Are you a breakfast person or do you prefer meals that are more appropriate for other times of day? And who decided breakfast had to be sweet anyways?

Early Morning Yoga

16 Jan

In an effort to improve by strength and balance I’ve started taking a twice weekly a.m. yoga class.

Click Image for Source


On Monday’s it’s a mix between pilates and yoga, and on Wednesday’s it’s a yoga flow class. Even though I have to wake up earlier than I’d like mid-week, I love the class.


There is nothing like bringing calm to your morning and everyone is so welcoming and kind. I really feel like these classes are a big step in the right direction for me.


What are you doing to help yourself this week?

A Big Change

13 Jan

So I haven’t posted in the past few days and there’s a reason: every time I move my arms to lift my laptop they scream out in pain.

On Tuesday I had my first session with a personal trainer and while it was awesome – it seriously kicked my butt. I’ve been the gal who looks funny walking up the stairs, and the one who braces herself against the wall while trying to gently lower her self into her desk chair.

I made the decision to go see a personal trainer after taking a long hard look at where I was physically and where I wanted to be; there was quite the discrepancy. As some of you know, I injured my hip in the fall and took two months off and couldn’t really do much at all besides physical therapy moves. As January rolled around I tried to gently re-introduce running via Couch 2 5k, but my hip started acting up again.

So last week I made the decision to call a trainer who works with some other gals I know and we met on Saturday to talk. What I love is that she has had hip problems herself, got through them, and is an Ironman triathlete! While my workouts are whole-body, the main goal is to get myself back into running form for the summer so I can train for the fall race season. Yes, I am going to take off the spring season. At first the decision made me sad but now I am seeing that it is for the best. I’m really working on core strength, stability, and balance.

Bringing us back to this week, I went to the trainer on Tuesday and my butt was thoroughly kicked. I went to yoga on Wednesday morning and then my trainer called and said that she had an opening on Wednesday evening and wanted me to partner up with one of her long-time clients. I decided I would do anything to get back to where I used to be physically so I said yes and went on Wednesday as well.

That meant that yesterday it was way easier for me to bend at the waist than to bend my legs, lifting my arms caused me to cringe, and my behind constantly felt like it was clenched. I seriously didn’t know if my legs would let me go up the stairs to my office nor did I know if I could ever get out of my bed once I got in.

For the first time in the past three months I feel calm. I have a plan, a coach, and can see myself progressing. Running isn’t in my cards just yet, but I feel that once I am physically stronger I will be an even better runner. In the mean time I will be working out via TRX and Pilates with the trainer accompanied with spin and yoga classes to round out my workouts. I am optimistic that come May I will be able to start running again to prepare for my favorite race on the hard packed sands of the California coastline!

Winter Work Attire

13 Jan
For today’s Friday Style I thought I would show you a typical work outfit for me. I work in a professional office so heels are a necessity, but I love wearing bold jewelry & great patterns to mix up the winter doldrums.Winter Work Attire

Kimono top
$128 –

J Crew wool pencil skirt
$120 –

Cole haan pumps
$228 –

Mixed metal jewelry
$38 –

Sequin sparkle jewelry
$32 –
Do you wear heels or flats at work? Wish you could wear the other instead?